Since its inception in 2009, the Apulia Film Forum has become over the years a regular event for European producers and stakeholders. The aim of the Forum is to facilitate meetings and partnerships between operators, in order to develop good...
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One of the main missions of Apulia Film Commission is the promotion of film culture within the regional territory and one of the tools used for this purpose is the Apulia CineFestival Network, a network of film festivals located in...
Over the last few years, Apulia Film Commission has been a partner and implementing entity in several Interreg projects. In particular, it has taken part in four European territorial cooperation projects, developing various initiatives related to audio-visual works, as well...
Leggi altroPARTNER:
Creative Europe: https://www.europacreativa-media.it/
Cineregio: https://www.cineregio.org
Italian Film Commissions: https://www.italianfilmcommissions.it
Italy for movies: https://www.italyformovies.it
RaiCom: https://www.raicom.rai.it
Cinettà Luce: https://www.cinecitta.com
Film London: https://filmlondon.org.uk
Hendgian Group: https://www.hengdianfilm.com
MIA: https://www.miamarket.it/it/
Balkan Film Market: https://balkanfilmmarket.com/new/
CSC Centro Sperimentale Di Cinematografia: https://www.fondazionecsc.it
Italian Doc Screenings: https://italiandocscreenings.net
Fondazione con il Sud: https://www.fondazioneconilsud.it