The Cineporto of Lecce is an area created to support cinema as well as the many production companies that choose Salento. It covers an area of 500 square meters and has a car park for cinemobiles, a casting room, equipped offices as well as an area for exhibitions and installations.
Several crews and many promotional events of the film culture have been hosted and organized here. The Cineporto of Lecce has quickly become one of the most popular cultural gathering hubs in the city, hosting various events and screenings of various genres and for different types of audience. Since March 2017, the structure has been furnished with a multi-faceted system for film screenings and other cultural events: the CineLab “Giuseppe Bertolucci”.
Cineporti di Puglia – Lecce
Via Vecchia Frigole, 36
73100 Lecce
Telefono: +39 0832 090 446